PROJECT in 2024
at The Huntington, Library, Art Museum and Botanical Garden, San Marino, California
Homage to Nature
( Harmony between humans and nature )
fallen California oak, steel, ceramic, stone
Courtesy of the Artist
photo credit : Artist, Mineo Mizuno
Manzanita wood, steel, aluminum, hemp, ceramic
Courtesy of the Artist and Gagosian gallery photo credit : Artist, Mineo Mizuno
Ceramic Courtesy of the Artist and Gagosian Gallery
photo credit : Artist, Mineo Mizuno
California oak wood, ceramic
Courtesy of the Artist and Gagosian Gallery
photo credit : Artist, Mineo Mizuno
Living in the forest of Sierra Nevada mountain foothill, our life reflect by the presence of their life zones with big tree, small plants and animal communities, we explore the beauty on the ground and wildness surrounding us.
" Nest " was created by chips of the Local Manzanita wood that was covered in the forest. Those chips was made by Human's intention by environmental protection control to prevent wild fire and for the growth of the healthy forest. Each piece has different shape and size, as fit puzzles one by one, created characteristic objects that birds gathered to make a nest. This special installation, with manzanita branches combined with other materials with ceramic, artist created social regenerative bird community. Imagine peaceful birds community and hope to see a new life in there. Loggia used to be a Huntington Family's outdoor living space and bird cage was there to enjoyed it with surrounding garden and San Gabriel Mountains in the distance, but let's enjoy yourself with different view with the eyes of a bird at this time. You may see a different world.
" Komorebii- light of forest " and " Thousand Blossoms " installation were collaborated with Huntington's two terracotta figures, Hamadryas that represent a tree nymph and Flora, the ancient Roman goddess of flower. Can you imagine their timeless dialogue between ?
Blossoms was created and inspired by the beautiful dogwood flower blooms early spring after the cold winter season in Northern CA. Dogwood blossoms reminds us a cherry blossoms in Japan to show the forms of life, death, renewal, it is a symbol of rebirth. Human-made Tree made by fallen oak tree by nature, blossoms made by human hand with minimum tools, clay and fired. Komorebi is a light of hope, our goal is a unity and beautiful harmony between Human & Nature.
Created a " Thousand Blossoms " is as a thousand paper crane that our mother created to pray for our happiness, social friendship and harmony to our world. Show the viewer the power of LIFE. So many environmental and human issue we have been facing, climate change, wild fire, flooding that cause to human and /or animal's lives, Cover-19 and conflict between countries in the world etc.,and also see a lots of progress in many area of society. We alway think hope will prevail to the world will continue to become better and better place to be. Learning from law of nature, with co-evolution, we continue to work for our life more sustainable and the most beautiful.
自然と人類の進化 (コミュニケーション、ユニティ そしてハーモニー)
「千の花」は私たちの母親が家族の幸せ、社会の友好関係、世界の平和を祈って作ってくれた千羽鶴と同じような作品で、そしてこの作品は『生』の力強さを表現しています。人道的、自然災害から起こる気候変動、人間や動物の死に関わる山火事や洪水、コロナ感染、国同士の争いなど、私たちは様々な問題に直面していますが、社会の多くの分野では進歩も見られます。より良い世界になる希望を持ち続けると同時に、その自然の法則に学び、自然と共に進化することを表現し、持続可能な世界、より美しい世界を想像し制作が続けられています。 ( mm project より)
" Story from a California Forest "
roof top project at Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills, CA
Living and working in the forests of Northern California, I have been exploring themes of life, death, renewal, among others in my works. I am excited for this series not only for the opportunity to work with both California oak and ceramic, but because I feel it is especially relevant in this current climate where wildfires have become more and more prevalent. (Mineo Mizuno)
" Harmony "
8.10~2.23.2020 at LACMA