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Thomas Damm   トーマス ダン

Black Rain Hibakusya-out of the shadow   「黒い雨」と


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Live life to the fullest Black Rain Hibakusya





これらは作者の広島留学中に撮影され、2013年8月、黒い雨被爆者肖像展 『影から外へ、黒い雨の被爆者』と題して、旧日本銀行広島支店で展覧会が開催されました。



​松本正行氏(安芸太田町在住)の風景写真「名勝 障子巌」、温井の大岩屋と題された写真も展示いたします。松本氏はトーマスさんのこのプロジェクトを支えた方々のお一人です。

​mm project is pleased to present the photos and portraits of Black Rain Hibakusya by Thomas Damm who works as a photo journalist in Germany. Those works got Moscow International Photo Award in 2015.

Created during his Hiroshima stay as a studying abroad program at Hiroshima City University in 2013. August 2013, his exhibition, out of the shadow, Black Rain Hibakusya was held at old Bank of Japan Hiroshima blanch site in Hiroshima City.

With those photos, his new installation include his new photo slideshow that was edited only for this exhibition at mm project.

​Also Masayuki Matsumoto's landscape photos were displayed in the gallery, he is an oldest person of the Black Rain Hibakusya Groups and one of the person who did help Thomas Damm's this project in Hiroshima.

​Gallery Installation 

Black Rain Hibakusya-out of the shadow by Thomas Dammphoto
Black Rain Hibakusya-out of the shadow by Thomas Damm
Black Rain Hibakusya-out of the shadow by Thomas Damm
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